........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Sunday 21 October 2012

Dying Is Easier Than Living If You Pay Tax

Death and Taxes have been part of every society
that has had a currency since time began.
The rituals for registering and dealing with death
have evolved,
but legally the process remains relatively simple.
The departed depart and their effects, mortal remains
and property are legally disbursed.
When the departed depart they are not even there.
With their departure
they cannot witness any dispute or sense of loss.

Whereas the modern tax system is a miracle
of self-compounding nests of catch 22 logic.
Forty years ago the american tax code
was 1000 pages long.
Because of modern case law-
led by lawyers and lobbyists-
it is now 75,000 pages long.
'Every time they [central government]
try to simplify it they add 10,000 pages...
 ...even eliminating the loopholes creates
more regulation ' -Lionel Shriver
on ''Start The Week' 12th Oct 2012

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