........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Monday 21 January 2013

The Facebook Generation,

who define themselves by their multiple on-line identities,
are said to be the first generation to have multiplied reality.
This is simply not so, what they see as ever more identity
is more likely increased division and compartmentalisation.
I know from my limited little past, my likes and choices,
and even more the many decisions made for me,
how unaware I was when I let others make my life,
the way young make up their on-line life now.
In my present relative maturity I prefer my life
to be singular. In my past each of my likes was made
into a separate identity, and the likes of others-
the fantasies of virtue from the previous age-
where innocence meant being empty, a blank page-
reduced me to an unwholesome nothing.
Aged 25 I turned, against the old divisions
and against the parental lies. I walked away
from the bundled of hypocrisies called 'heterosexual marriage',
which reduced the self to the idea of two people staying together
to become each others property.
Instead I sought unity outside of property, the hard way.
Through that well known dystopia 'The Gay Community'
where life (like commitment) is always somewhere
over the rainbow, and like Heaven,
nobody ever reports back from being there.

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