........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Thursday 2 January 2014

English Radicalism

is a tug-of-war with the apron strings
of royal power/state priviledge
-as expressed through known history-
and the common man and woman
which continues to pull either way,
right up to the present day until either

1) the radical finds they are propelled
into the realms of power and are forced
into doing what they disliked their foes
doing and they choose to not talk about it. 

Or 2) the strings snap back and disconnect,
creating further misaccounting of the use of power
by older forces and olygarchies.
This creates a bigger disconnect from below
towards the power of the state, which means
more knee jerk laws passed, and more lawlesness,
and anarchy from above which goes unaccounted for.

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