........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Charities That Advertise

on television, that most corrupt and corrupting of mediums,
will automatically debase the virtue of their intended cause
through the presentation logic that advertising agencies use.
Which is sub-post Freudian in it's division of the audience
into victim, persecutor or rescuer.
Whatever the cause is, from saving tigers and white rhino
from being poached to extinction to offering eyesight
to the dirt poor and blind, in whom it is preventable
at very little cost to us the presentation will be the same;-
your wealth and power did not make them victims
but it can stop more of them suffering if you give.
If you keep your money for yourself and they will still suffer,
and your stinginess will make you their persecutor.

Television presents the the poor and persecuted animals
like it presents everything else, as if the medium is your friend
because the adverts pay for the programmes, which are why it is justified
more than the person/animal is your neighbour because they are in need.
Fake empathy is still fakery and always will be.

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