........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Sunday 17 May 2015

Futile Questions

One of the sillier questions
popular media likes to fritter away
the public's attention span with
is 'What is Artificial Intelligence?'
usually setting up the question
without definitions of  'natural',
'artificial', or indeed 'intelligence',
the better to avoid all conclusions.

The short answer to this question
is that artificial intelligence does exist
but it needs natural intelligence to set it up.
Where it is recognized for what it is
it does fewer tasks than its makers intend.
Technology is always sold to us with the strap-line
'It will make the future work better'.
Where A.I. works well now its achievements
mostly go unrecognized by natural intelligence.

This is because natural intelligence
prefers to avoids the proof of redundancy.

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