........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Thursday 27 August 2015

Evil? Yes, Necessary? Never!

30 years ago consumer surveys got longer
and with each extra question people were asked
the answers were analysed and cross-referenced.

As lives turned into lifestyles
the public were flattered,
by psychologists asking them
for their deepest thoughts.
The interviewed did not think
that the data would be used
to sell them goods they did not need
which would push them into debt
as if the only idea left untapped
might be a gift for financial probity.

Now, in the UK, ATOS uses that same technique
to probe the weak, the poor, and the sick
pushed out of a shrinking market for paid work
who have been left on benefits, long term,
for the long lost traces of their 'aspirations'.

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