........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Thursday 21 April 2016

On The Value Of Listening

Many a day I get cold calls from Indian call centres;
I know they are call centres when I hear other calls
being responded to as part of the background noise
-this is far more irritating than they care to think.

The voices I respond to have a strong Indian accent.
Presently my way of dealing with these callers
is to be colder than them; I listen but refuse to speak.

Every call starts with the  phrase 'Are you... ?'
and they say my name whilst saying nothing
about how they got my details, but I know
their question is legally required for them to repeat
with what they are paid to parrot every day.

When I neither confirm nor deny my name
they soon put the phone down. I feel calmer
for resisting the bait and making them end the call.
I'd feel the heat if I put the phone down on them.

A second effect is that in my silence I closely listen
and I hear so much more clearly the condescencion
in their voice which would have driven the sales pitch
had I given my name and encouraged them continue.

1 comment:

  1. Post script;if you have a laptop or any other bit of kit and it has live cam or web cam lens on it and you leave it be, and get lots of cold calls then cover it up with something you can remove-the number of cold calls you recieve might well go down. I don't know if it is coincidence or correlation but I know my cold calls have decreased in number since I did that.
