........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Saturday 30 September 2017

How 'The Fall' Actually Happened

Eve was at her ease in the garden.
Mistaking her rest for boredom,
the snake quietly whispered to her
'Cheer up, Love. It may never happen'.
and in that very instance whatever 'it' was did.
Her curiosity was piqued by his comment.

She wanted to know what 'it' meant.
Adam avoided all her questions,
but could not stop her asking.
He wanted to be in the image
of his maker, who back then
was more into labeling things
and did not ask questions
nor answer them either.
He has rarely done so since.

Eventually God,
who was by his own definition
plural, infinite, unified, and replete,
quietly gave Adam and Eve their notice
to leave the ease of his exclusive company,
for them and their descendants
to pique their curiosities by themselves.

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