........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Saturday 11 February 2017

No Need For War With Rumour

It was Republican Senator Hiram Johnson,
quoting Aeschylus the ancient greek playwright,
who said 'The first casualty in war is truth'.
Senator Johnson quoted the phrase during WW1
and he died the day that Hiroshima was gifted
with the first explosion of an atomic bomb.

Thank goodness we have progressed since then.
The media is now much broader, multi-platform!

Whilst the military/industrial complex
still needs to be fed juicy gov't contracts
there is less need for the U.S. to distribute
the products from it over all the poorest
peoples of the world, as if  the U.S.A.
were amnesiacs, forgetfully re-enacting
a less charitable version of 'The Marshall Plan'.

With an ever expanding media
we simply tell ourselves more lies
about everything under the sun
-particularly about true science
and the needs of foreign peoples.

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