........................................................................................ - a weBlog by Snowy and me.

Saturday 3 June 2017

Signs Of greater Age (44)

1-no longer going to parties,
not even going early
in order to be the first to leave
whilst still being sociable.
The refusal is less because
you can't hear what people say
so well with the background music
and more because by their nature parties
are centreless and disconnected events.

2-You realize how false the sales pitch
is with 'energy drinks'is-they are sugar
and caffeine for folks who need neither.
But the drinks are like tracksuit bottoms
-both uphold the illusion of being sporty
where neither self discipline nor mentoring
are present, and pretense is aplenty....

3-with age you do less,
but day by day you get done
what needs to be completed,
Amazing, more often than not
life improves for being simplified.

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